Our Preschool Group: About Me

We have been doing a preschool co-op with a small group of friends that meets twice a week for a few hours in the morning. We rotate each month who the mom teacher/mom helper is. This month is my turn and I thought a get to know you day would be the perfect way to get to know each kid a bit better.

We always start with a circle time where we read a book. Today we read You Are Special by Max Lucado. Then we talked briefly about who their maker is.

We sang the song I am special.

I Am Special (to the tune of Are you Sleeping)

I am special, I am special (hug your heart)
You can see, you can see (put your hands up like glasses)
Someone very special, someone very special (hug your hear)
Yes, it’s is me, (point at yourself)
Yes, it’s is me! (point at yourself)

I had everyone bring 3-5 items to show and tell about themself. They took turns sitting in the special seat and sharing the items in their special bag. 

For our snack we made faces from food! We talked about what parts are on our faces and how we each look different. Here was what we used to make our food faces:

  • Tomatoes

  • Cheerios 

  • Bananas 

  • Pepper strips 

  • Carrots 

  • Apples

  • Pretzels 

  • Crackers 

  • Cheese 

  • Pickles 

  • Oranges Green 

  • Raisins 

  • Cucumber 

  • Snap peas

We read the book Who You Were Made to Be by Joanna Gaines. Afterward, we decorated balloons with Sharpies and then played keepy-uppy.

More Activities We Didn’t Get To

Measuring- Measure each child with a measuring tape or weigh each child with a scale and talk about how we're all different sizes! And God loves you if you're tall or short, light or heavy.

That's Me Game- Tell children to stand up and say "That's Me" when they hear something about them like: I'm the oldest child, I love pizza, I have brown eyes, I was born in the Winter, I climb trees, I have blue eyes, I'm a little brother or sister, I'm a boy, I'm a girl, have a pet etc.

Playdoh: In the Bible it says "Yet you, LORD, are our Father. We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand." Isaiah 64:8 Have children form people out of playdoh or you make a person out of playdoh as you explain the verse and how God made us and loves us.

Draw a self portrait 

Make an About Me book

Find the letters of your name in a sensory bin 


Our Preschool Group: Birds


Christ-Centered Easter Game